Digital Assets

Digital Assets (images, videos, pdf, brochures, etc) - any document / collateral which basically helps you spread awareness about your product and helps you sell the products. One of the most important elements of digital assets - Rich Media (images & videos) is the lifeline for any retail business - they help the customer get a visual of the product and build confidence to buy the product. In general, a single product could potentially have 5-10 different images - which means, if you have about 1000 live products, you would have approximately 10,000 images, which could gradually become difficult to manage if not done through proper system.

Digital Asset Manager


DAM serves the following objectives for any business:

  1. Central Repository: stored securely in a central repository rather being fragmented across local storage, cloud storage or anywhere else.
  2. Organized: users can organize the images in folder for the ease of managing.
  3. Delivery: delivered via CDN and optimized for the device from where they are being called - for example - if called from mobile, then the images are optimized for mobile in terms of the size, ratio aspect and quality as well.

Supported Formats

The in-built DAM offers the support for the following file types

ImagesJPG, PNG, SVG, WEBPAll standard image formats are supported and also optimized for delivery by using the query string parameters itself.
FilesPDF, XLSX, DOCXDifferent files containing product details, like brochure, manuals, etc can be all uploaded & managed within the DAM and delivered through the CDN.
VideosNAVideo uploads is not supported in the platform, however you can utilize any 3rd party video streaming company (eg. youtube, vimeo) to host the videos and provide the reference URLs within PIM.