Lifecycle / Workflow

PIM software provides a structured and efficient way to manage a wide range of product attributes, such as descriptions, specifications, variants, pricing, images, videos, translations, and more. So, to achieve this the PIM provides a workflow lifecycle management system to ensure a structured and controlled process for managing product information throughout its lifecycle.

This feature allows you to design your own product journey with stages like draft, active, archived, and discontinued. At each stage, specific teams or roles take charge with specific rights and permissions. You can also add extra checks at each stage, and only certain roles can access them.

Having a workflow lifecycle management system in place will ensure the below:

  1. Streamline collaboration: Considering multiple teams or individuals responsible for creating, reviewing and approving product information, this helps avoid bottlenecks, communication gap and ensures efficiency.
  2. Maintain data integrity and consistency: by enforcing data governance rules and quality control measures.
  3. Ensure compliance: by including approvals in workflows.
  4. Reduce data errors and increase accuracy: by including automated rules and validations.
  5. Reporting and auditing: by having details workflow logs through the process

Workflow Steps

The workflow steps are the lifecycle stages through which a product goes through from its creation to being published or eventually being archived. The PIM provides some system defined stages under which any kind of customizable steps can be created based on business needs and category specific workflows.

Workflow Steps

The PIM allows you to create different workflows and associate them with different categories as per requirements. In addition to that, you can also customize any numebr of the sub-stages within the system defined primary stages and build a completely customziable workflow. Workflow Steps

Role and Info Section

Each step can be restricted for specific roles and only allow access to specific info sections. Workflow Steps In addition to role & info section, some additional fields can be customized at each step as below:

Transition Tostring
Validation Expressionstring
Validation Expression Error Messagestring
Completenes Expressionstring
Completeness Expression Error Messagestring

Change Log

The PIM maintains complete change log for the product data through the whole lifecycle to ensure complete reporting and auditability. Product Change Log